51st Annual
Sunday, August 3rd, 2025
Northern Wisconsin State Fairgrounds
Chippewa Falls, WI
Please join us for the Indianhead Swap Meet & Car Show!
$5 per person at the gate
Gates Open 7am Sunday
$5 inside spectator parking
free handicap parking
Set-up starts 9am Saturday
$15 per person plus admission
Outdoor space appx 15ft frontage
$15 car corral space
Camping starts at $15
*All for sale cars must be in the car corral.
*No firearms for sale.
Food & Refreshments, Restrooms & Camping are Available
$1,500 in Cash Giveaways!
Win a grand prize of $500,
plus 20 chances to win $50
All vehicles are welcome.
Only show vehicles will be eligible for plaques and cash drawings.
Plaques go to the first 500 show cars.
Cash drawings will begin at 2:00pm.
*You must be present to win.
*Sponsoring club members are not eligible.